In 2015 the Chicagoland Disc Golf Club was founded to help Chicagoans get out of the city and enjoy more recreation in green spaces. After 4 years of hosting leagues and tournaments in the suburbs and gaining followers, the club adopted a new purpose; “Rather than bringing Chicagoans to disc golf, let’s bring disc golf to Chicagoans.” The Chicagoland Disc Golf Club was rebranded in 2019 as Disc Golf Chicago. Shortly after gaining non-profit status in 2021, DGC organized the Chicago Disc Golf Exposition, a week-long series of events raising disc golf awareness on the South side of the city. While planning the expo, the DGC leadership team forged crucial partnerships with international disc golf entities, including the Paul McBeth foundation, Discmania Discs, and UPlay Disc Golf, each of whom continue to empower our advocacy and consulting efforts today. Since inception, DGC has hosted 150+ league rounds, 20+ tournaments, sponsored countless disc golf events, and consulted for disc golf organizations from local clubs to national brands.
We encourage our members to support the organizations who support our mission.
Our work would not be possible without collaboration from these
incredible organizations.
Founder and Team Builder“Whenever someone uses their talent/passion to do cool things for other people - those are my favorite moments in disc golf. When a project manager says they want to start helping organize events, or an artist says they want to teach people how to dye discs, etc. In those moments, you literally see the community advancing.”
Started playing: 2003
Favorite course: Flip City - Shelby, Mi
Favorite local course: The Canyons - Lockport, IL
Business Development and Partnerships“Anytime I introduce the sport to someone and they pull off their first amazing shot- that’s a disc golf moment I love. I can still vividly remember the first time my fiancé threw in from 100+ out. It’s always endearing to witness the joy and love of the game come to life.”
Started playing: 2011
Favorite course: Mason County Park - Beauty (MI)
Favorite local course: The Canyons - Lockport, IL
Operations & StrategyKevin has the distinct honors of having the first ever tournament ace on the continent of Africa (hole 18 in Macha, Zambia) and winning the 2019 Ethiopian Open. We know him as both the resident course expert having played 200+ different courses and as a numbers nerd who loves spreadsheets.
Started playing: 2002
Favorite course: Harmony Bends - Columbia, MO
Favorite local course: Silver Fox - Salem, WI
Project ManagementNick came in like a wrecking ball - in a good way. When we began developing a relationship with the Cook County Forest Preserve, Nick poured his time and effort into the project as if he’d been a DGC leader his whole life. His high-level communication skills, critical thinking, and organizational abilities have been a massive driving-force behind the project. He continues to bring new and exciting ideas to the table while maintaining a clear focus on our organizational objectives.
Tournament Director
Devin Hernandez is our spirit animal. Straight up. He has channeled his love of the sport into serving the community. His dedication to self improvement, coaching new players, and being the #1 most requested card mate are just some of the reasons we like him. Devin is a vibe. He makes disc golf in Chicago better for all of us. He is a terrific ambassador of the sport on and off the course.
Many know him as Devin Hernan-dyes for his custom dyed discs. You can find him here on the PDGA website.