Upcoming Events
Find leagues, tournaments, clinics, work days, community engagement projects, and other special Disc Golf events in the greater Chicagoland area.

Hine's Emerald Dragonfly Open
Our third annual tournament at Rolling Knolls in partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County.
About this tournament
We will be playing two rounds of 18 holes.
Tentative Schedule 10/5:
8:15-9:00 Player Check In
9:15 Players Meeting
9:30 Round 1 Tee Off
1:30 Round 2 (Awards shortly after)
Players Pack and Payouts:
As part of registration all players will receive one Disc Golf Chicago Jersey (short sleeve). Additional registration fees will be going towards trophy costs, CTP + Ace Pot. Disc Golf Chicago is a 501(c)3 non profit organization, the rest of your buy in will help continue youth programming efforts. There are no payouts, this is a trophy only tournament.
Jersey Only Option:
If you cannot play but would like a jersey, we got you covered! Choose the “Jersey Only,” option and add in the comments if you would like to pick up locally or pay for shipping.
CTP ($3)+ Ace Pot ($2):
- This is covered through your registration fees
- CTP's will be division protected
- Ace Pot will apply to all divisions and cover both rounds
Players Meeting:
We'll be kicking off our day at the Rolling Knolls Pavilion (just down the path from the parking lot / tournament central). We'll have the Forest Preserve with us as a special guest, and we can all soak up the AC before our long day.
We are looking for volunteers (non-tournament players) to help the day of with various tasks, including spotting on key holes to help keep pace of play. All volunteers will receive a players pack and lunch for their invaluable efforts. You can register through the normal registration link, just make sure it says "VOL" / "Volunteer" and you will be added!
Tentative Layout below. We are working with the FP to see if we can get some lines cleaned up and may be considering alt tees and/or alt baskets on certain holes for some divisions to improve playability and pace. Details to be confirmed
1 short
2 short
3 short
4 long
5 short
6 long
7 long
8 left
9 left
10 short
11 long
12 short
13 short
14 long
15 long
16 long
17 short
18 short

Disc Golf Community Day
Disc Golf Chicago and the Forest Preserves of Cook County have partnered to set up a temporary course at Miller Meadow from July 29 through August 26 as a pilot for a potential permanent course in the future.
This event is an opportunity for the community to connect with the organizers of the temporary disc golf course at Miller Meadow.
You can stop by any time while the event is happening and enjoy the following:
Free equipment to borrow
Lessons with experienced players
Try the course with others
Free to join - all ages welcome - no registration needed

Nature Discovery Day
Disc Golf Chicago will be setting up a table and disc golf area at Thatcher Woods. This is a great opportunity to engage with our community and help grow the sport.
If you’re interested in volunteering (set up / tear down, coaching, etc), email us at hello@discgolfchicago.com.
Full event details: https://fpdcc.com/event/nature-discovery-day/

Back-to-School Community Adventure Day
Disc Golf Chicago will be setting up a table and disc golf area at Caldwell Woods. This is a great opportunity to engage with our community and help grow the sport.
If you’re interested in volunteering (set up / tear down, coaching, etc), email us at hello@discgolfchicago.com.
Full event details: https://fpdcc.com/event/back-to-school-community-adventure-day-2/

Schiller Preserve Tuesdays League
In partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Disc Golf Chicago is hosting a weekly league at our brand new temporary course at Schiller Playfield.
This will be a weekly league for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings. Free to play for all.
We will have optional CTP, ace, and donation options available if you wish to support our efforts to ring more disc golf opportunities to the Chicagoland area.
Check in starting at 5:30, tee at 6 pm.
Find the course map on the UDisc app: https://udisc.com/courses/schiller-playfield-temp-course-1RED

Disc Golf Community Day at Schiller Woods
Disc Golf Chicago and the Forest Preserves of Cook County have partnered to set up a temporary course at Schiller Woods this summer as a pilot for a potential permanent course in the future.
This event is an opportunity for the community to connect with the organizers of the temporary disc golf course at Schiller Woods.
You can stop by any time while the event is happening and enjoy the following:
Free equipment to borrow
Lessons with experienced players
Try the course with others
Free to join - all ages welcome - no registration needed

Schiller Preserve Tuesdays League
In partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Disc Golf Chicago is hosting a weekly league at our brand new temporary course at Schiller Playfield.
This will be a weekly league for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings. Free to play for all.
We will have optional CTP, ace, and donation options available if you wish to support our efforts to ring more disc golf opportunities to the Chicagoland area.
Check in starting at 5:30, tee at 6 pm.
Find the course map on the UDisc app: https://udisc.com/courses/schiller-playfield-temp-course-1RED

Kids' Fest 2024 at Wampum Lake
Disc Golf Chicago will be setting up a table and disc golf area at Wampum Lake in Thornton. This is a great opportunity to engage with our community and help grow the sport.
If you’re interested in volunteering (set up / tear down, coaching, etc), email us at hello@discgolfchicago.com.
Full event details: https://fpdcc.com/event/kids-fest/

Schiller Preserve Tuesdays League
In partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Disc Golf Chicago is hosting a weekly league at our brand new temporary course at Schiller Playfield.
This will be a weekly league for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings. Free to play for all.
We will have optional CTP, ace, and donation options available if you wish to support our efforts to ring more disc golf opportunities to the Chicagoland area.
Check in starting at 5:30, tee at 6 pm.
Find the course map on the UDisc app: https://udisc.com/courses/schiller-playfield-temp-course-1RED

Schiller Preserve Tuesdays League
In partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Disc Golf Chicago is hosting a weekly league at our brand new temporary course at Schiller Playfield.
This will be a weekly league for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings. Free to play for all.
We will have optional CTP, ace, and donation options available if you wish to support our efforts to ring more disc golf opportunities to the Chicagoland area.
Check in starting at 5:30, tee at 6 pm.
Find the course map on the UDisc app: https://udisc.com/courses/schiller-playfield-temp-course-1RED

Schiller Preserve Tuesdays League
In partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, Disc Golf Chicago is hosting a weekly league at our brand new temporary course at Schiller Playfield.
This will be a weekly league for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings. Free to play for all.
We will have optional CTP, ace, and donation options available if you wish to support our efforts to ring more disc golf opportunities to the Chicagoland area.
Check in starting at 5:30, tee at 6 pm.
Find the course map on the UDisc app: https://udisc.com/courses/schiller-playfield-temp-course-1RED

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed

2023 Hine's Emerald Dragonfly Open
The Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly Open is the only PDGA sanctioned tournament on a permanent disc golf course within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County - Rolling Knolls in Elgin, IL.
The event is a celebration of nature. It exists to demonstrate the beauty protected by forest preserves and raise awareness of the endangered species that call them home.
Renowned for its aerobatic virtuosity and electrifying, enormous green eyes, the Hine's Emerald Dragonfly hovers on the brink of extinction and is one of the most endangered dragonflies in North America today. Populations exist in Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ontario, and Wisconsin.
Tournament Details
Circle One Friday Nights
Registration opens at 4:30pm and ENDs at 5:15pm. Tee off by 5:30pm. $15 all in (ace pot/cash CTPs) add $1 for sanctioning.

Weekly Glow League
Berwyn Disc Golf Club
Weekly Glow League
Format: Singles
Where: Proksa Park
When: Wednesday
: 7:30 PM
Tee-off: 8:00
Tags: $10
Buy-in: $5

HPDG Tuesday Night League
Tuesday League
Mark your calendars for a singles league, Tuesdays at Jackson Park Disc Golf Course at 6:30 PM start time. Any skill level is welcome! This is a great opportunity to be a part of an inaugural, weekly disc golf league in the city with a casual, friendly playstyle.
$10.00 one-time player fee for this league (includes a 2022-23 Hyde Park disc golf tag, paperwork, and league trophy). The trophy is a plaque that will be displayed at Hyde Park’s Woodlawn Tap (aka Jimmie’s). The overall winners will be engraved into the plaque and displayed in the bar for historical records or until the plaque is stolen.
$5.00 player fee each session (PayPal preferred, cash accepted)
Sign in between 5:45-6:15
Player’s meeting 6:15-6:20
Tee-off 6:30
Glow tape will be available. Baskets will have lights for when the sun sets.
Your $5 weekly will be used the following way:
$2 to Payouts.
$1 CTP on a randomly chosen hole
$1 Ace Pot that will carry over each week that there is not an Ace.
<10 people= 100% to 1st
10-20 people= 60% to 1st, 40% to second
>20 people= 50% to 1st, 30% to 2nd, 20% to 3rd.
Tags are required for this league. $10 for the year gets you entry to all tag league events that HPDG has for the remainder of the 2022 year. Thus, for your first outing of the year, it will be $15 ($10 for the HPDG tag and $5 for the round). Every other outing you attend will be $5.
UDisc will be utilized for scoring, so please download the app and have an account to check-in for the round. https://udisc.com

J Town Tuesday Handicap Singles
Tuesday Handicap Singles League
$15 all in, Sanctioned first session
Week 17: 07/25 Frank Grimes Course (Channy) 5:30pm tee
Week 18: 08/01 West Park 5:30pm tee
Week 19: 08/08 Trinity Links 5:30pm tee
Week 20: 08/15 The Canyons (Dellwood) 5:30pm tee
Week 21: 08/22 Highland Park 5:30pm tee
Week 22: 08/29 Frank Grimes Course (Channy) 5:30pm tee
Week 23: 09/05 Trinity Links 5:30pm tee
Week 24: 09/12 West Park 5:30pm tee
Week 25: 09/19 Trinity Links 5:30pm tee
Week 26: 09/26 West Park 5:30pm tee

Sunset Dubs
This glow league starts during sunset and finishes in the dark. Baskets will be lit up and players will use glow-in-the-dark discs, or adding glow tape to their discs. Glow tape will be available.
Registration closes at 6:30PM sharp.
2023 Tag required. Tags will be available at registration.
$10 All in - includes CTPs, Ace pot, and payouts.
All skill levels welcomed
Circle One Friday Nights
Registration opens at 4:30pm and ENDs at 5:15pm. Tee off by 5:30pm. $15 all in (ace pot/cash CTPs) add $1 for sanctioning.