Sunset Dubs Recap - May 17, 2021

I think I speak for all when I say that last night was a HEALTHY attendance. 25 people showed up to throw into the sunset.


  • Kevin Derrick and Bryan Zera shot the hot round with -11 earning a team total of $70.

  • Kevin Derrick also hit a CTP for another $25.

  • We had a 3 way tie for 2nd place, but Troy Bateman and @Tom Mcmillan took it down with a CTP throw-off, earning a team total of $30.

  • Chris Robins and Mike Smith both made generous CTP donations in the form of brand new discs.

  • Someone forgot to put out the 2nd cash CTP flag, so we moved that $25 into the ace pot.

  • Since there no aces, the ace pot is at $175 for next week

The larger turnout has inspired a few changes moving forward.

  1. It's time to get better lights. We're going to use $200 of club funds to get 20 legit lights. Setting up the lights won't be as tedious anymore, and the baskets will be MUCH more illuminated.

  2. We're going to start 15 minutes earlier. So, sign-in will now start from 6:45-7:15. Please make sure you and your homes know about the time change. I would hate to turn someone away for showing up after 7:15.

It was dope to see so many people and so many new faces. Again, it's great to get together and play, but at the foundation of this whole thing is a mission that is bigger than all of us. Every one of you is helping to bring our sport to the Windy City. In the not-so-distant future, we're going to cross a historic finish line.

Special thanks to people who have been making donations, purchasing pins, purchasing jerseys, bringing out friends, etc. It all matters, and so do you.


Jackson Park to host inaugural Chicago Disc Golf Expo in August


Lauren Lakeberg (aka "The Disc Golf Photographer") does a writeup on Monday night "Sunset Dubs" League