2023 Disc Golf Chicago State of the Union
2022 Season Recap
2022 was a very exciting, busy, and productive year for Disc Golf Chicago. We were off to a quick start with our first event, the Brrrdie Bowl, in mid-February. This was our first winter-time tournament and we were thrilled to have 100 players in attendance on an icy Saturday. It was a great kickoff to our 2022 season!
More strategically, one of our main goals going into the year was to build a deeper relationship with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County and to explore opportunities that align with the goals of our two organizations. The key project we identified to partner with the FPDCC on was the Cook County Forest Preserve Tour series, consisting of three PDGA-sanctioned tournaments with a goal of highlighting the natural beauty of the Forest Preserve properties and demonstrating synergies between disc golf and the FPDCC’s goals of building healthier and happier communities through the use of outdoor spaces.
All three events were held on Forest Preserve properties, including two pop-up temporary courses in parks that had never seen formal disc golf before. The tour series was not only a success in bringing a total of 154 players out to enjoy the beauty of various Forest Preserve properties but was an absolute blast to host and play in. Through these events, we forged key connections within various departments of the FPDCC and plan to continue to build on this foundation to drive further disc golf programming and opportunities within the Forest Preserves of Cook County.
In addition to the tour series, we also kicked off new disc golf activities within Chicago city limits. In January 2023, we partnered to launch the George Street Putting league, the first of its type in the city of Chicago. As the weather thawed out, we wanted to create opportunities for regular meetups to not just putt, but to throw as well. In partnership with City Limits Disc Golf, we helped launch the Humboldt Park pop-up league; a 6-hole temporary course on Tuesdays in various areas of Humboldt Park. What started as informal weekly gatherings grew into a loosely formal weekly league in the fall which we plan to expand upon this spring.
As we have in previous years, we also ran weekly leagues at KLM. Sunset Dubs ran from April through June, drawing 81 total players and raising $402 dollars in club funds. Our innovative Cali League (handicap singles with a mulligan on each hole) brought out 60 players and raised $268 in club funds. In addition to these weeknight leagues, we ran a 6-week Match Play League on Saturdays in the summer in which 20 players participated.
Last, but certainly not least, Disc Golf Chicago sponsored its first player ever: fan favorite Devin Hernandez. To no one’s surprise, Devin represented our organization and the sport in general with unwavering enthusiasm and positivity. Devin also took down the win in his only MA1 event of the year, the Windy City Throwdown. He continues to be a great ambassador for disc golf and the city of Chicago.
A Look Ahead to 2023
More exciting than what we’ve done is where we want to go. In 2023 we identified priorities and projects to pursue while driving our strategic goals to build a more vital and vibrant disc golf community in Chicago and the surrounding area.
Forest Preserves of Cook County
Building on our success with the Cook County Forest Preserve Tour Series, we are working with the FPDCC to bring more disc golf to the Forest Preserves of Cook County. Programming details are still in development, but we are aiming for another tournament, volunteer opportunities, and (aspirationally) a dedicated forest preserve league. Ultimately, these programs will deepen our relationship and demonstrate what the disc golf community can bring to the forest preserves and parks in our area.
Chicago Local Park Engagement
After seeing the success of the Humboldt Park pop-up league, we’re energized to bring more informal disc golf opportunities to the parks within the city of Chicago. In 2023, we want to see more baskets - even if they are temporary - in Chicago parks. This means not only continuing the Humboldt league but enabling members across the city to host popup events of their own and bring disc golf to their communities.
Outreach & Community Building
A key focus of 2023 is to expand and reinforce our Disc Golf Chicago community. Externally, this will come in several forms: community and youth outreach projects, engagement with like-minded organizations within Chicago, and growing relationships with other non-profit organizations within the disc golf world. Internally, we plan to formalize our membership base, improve member outreach, define our leadership structure and organizational bylaws, and launch 2023 bag-tags as well as other member benefits.
In line with our goals around bringing disc golf into new spaces in and around Chicago, a majority of our event focus in 2023 will be around running and enabling pop-up events, leagues, and even ad hoc practice sessions within the city. However, we still plan to host a variety of more traditional events such as the Chi Town Showdown, the 2nd Hines Emerald Dragonfly Open, and the Disc Golf Chicago Invitational. Additionally, we have partnered with Circle One Disc Golf to launch the Bourbon Street Putting League which is underway this winter.
Due to this new focus on driving a higher density of informal and loosely formal events in the city, we have decided not to host KLM league or the match play league this year. While we will miss hosting and playing in these leagues, we want to dedicate more time and effort to events happening in areas where disc golf doesn’t exist today, rather than hosting additional leagues at well-established courses.
We are incredibly energized to embark on our 2023 goals and we hope you are equally excited to be part of our journey. If you have any feedback or would like to contribute more deeply to any of our projects, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our email (hello@discgolfchicago.com).
Thank you all for supporting us and being a part of our community. We hope you all have an amazing and birdie-filled 2023 alongside us.
- The Disc Golf Chicago Board
Alex Seminary
Eric Savoie
Kevin Derrick
Nick Fordes