Get Out of the City
Don’t get me wrong, I love it here. I could make a pretty good case for Chicago being the greatest city in the world. Yes - you could argue against it and make a good case too, but that’s neither here nor there. My point is that as much as I love it here, I need to get the hell out sometimes. In fact, it’s probably a weekly need.
5 days a week I commute for about 3 hours a day to an office job that keeps my brain working at an exhaustively high-level for 8 hours. I’m lucky in that I truly enjoy my job and I’m grateful to not be one of those people who are just trying to get through each week. Still, like any job it’s draining and by the time I get home I just want to turn my brain off. That said, once I’m ‘off the clock’ I’m still connected to a dozen of media platforms and notification systems demanding my attention and simultaneously pulling my mind in different directions.
To me, disc golf is a means to disconnect from the white noise of my responsibilities and reconnect with myself, my community, and our natural environment. Those are the connections which add vibrant and deeply satisfying color to my life. I find a lot of joy and beauty in that simplicity. It’s worth waking up early for, traveling for, and working for.
Alex Seminary
Founder & President